2016 June SAP Official New Released C_HANAIMP151 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
You have created an information space in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer but the information space is not available on the Home page.
How can you make the information space available on the Home page?
A. Drag the information space to the Home page
B. Refresh the list of information spaces on the Home page
C. Select the “Show on Home page” checkbox in the information space properties
D. Index the information space again
Answer: BC
If you want to create or drop tables in a schema, which privilege type do you need?
Answer: D
How can you improve the quality of your information model design?
A. Use “case’ or ‘if’ statements whenever possible.
B. Use row-based database expressions.
C. Design your views to be reusable.
D. Modularize your views.
E. Avoid duplications in your modeling.
Answer: CDE
If you notice, Unique Constraint Error while loading flat file then
A. Modify the table and remove primary key
B. Modify column with different data type
C. Convert column table to row table or vice versa
D. Check the data for this Constraint and make sure there are no duplicate values
Answer: D
In which tool can you create information spaces for reporting?
A. in the SAP HANA modeler perspective
B. in the SAP HANA SQL editor
C. in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
D. in the Information Design Tool
Answer: C
You have to extract entities such as persons, countries, products, and places from business text such as PDF files.
Which of the following tools in SAP HANA can you use?
A. Full-text search UI toolkit
B. Python-based text analysis scripts
C. Fuzzy search
D. Application function libraries
Answer: B
How can you generate documentation of your information models?
A. Right-click on your information model and select the Auto Documentation function.
B. Use the Export SQL button in the column view of your information model.
C. Right-click on the column view of your information model and select the export function.
D. Use the Auto Documentation button in your information model.
Answer: AD
Which of the following are direct outputs of an analytic view?
A. Hierarchies
B. Private attributes
C. Restricted attributes
D. Measures
E. Attribute views
Answer: BDE
When you use SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT) replication, which of the following can you set up in the advanced replication settings?
A. Change a character field length of a table.
B. Change the target table for specific records of a table.
C. Assign a specific mass transfer ID to a table.
D. Add a field to a table.
Answer: AD
When building a business layer to report on SAP HANA, what do you have to do if you want to display more than 5,000 rows?
A. Remove all filters from the analytic views.
B. Deactivate the Limit Size of Result Set parameter in the Central Management
C. Console.
D. Set the Array Fetch Size parameter to the maximum in the relational connection.
E. Deactivate the Limit Size of Result Set parameter in the business layer.
Answer: D
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2016 SAP C_HANAIMP151 exam dumps (All 308 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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