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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
Which of the following would you use to upgrade an SAP HANA system and keep the downtime to a minimum?
A. High availability
B. Storage replication
C. Partitioning
D. System replication
Answer: D
You are reviewing the execution plan of an SQL statement. You want to find out which operators have been executed in parallel in the current plan and for how long each of them has been active. How can you accomplish this?
A. Use the Plan Visualizer in the SAP HANA studio.
B. Use Performance Trace in HDB admin.
C. Use Job Progress in the SAP HANA studio.
D. Use EXPLAIN (graphically) in the DBA Cockpit.
Answer: A
Where in the SAP HANA studio can you change the path of the backup folder?
A. Backup catalog
B. executor.ini
C. global.ini
D. Backup editor
Answer: CD
Which of the following is a result of using SAP HANA as an application platform?
A. All database queries have a sub-second response time.
B. Aggregates in data models are only materialized when required.
C. Calculation-intensive logic is pushed down to the database.
D. The need for indexes is eliminated.
Answer: C
What do you have to consider when you design a backup plan?
A. The newest data must be backed up most often.
B. The column table data needs to be compressed before a backup.
C. The backup execution must be monitored.
D. The database backup must be stored at a different location than the database server.
Answer: CD
What is the maximum number of master name servers that you can define in a distributed landscape?
A. 1
B. 8
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: D
Which of the following steps allow you to create a test system (system A) based on a productive SAP HANA standalone system (system B)?
A. Export the data from system B to a file share and import the data to system A.
B. Restore a complete database backup from system B to system A.
C. Copy a snapshot from system B to system A.
D. Copy the data and log volume files from system B to system A.
Answer: BD
Which of the following are advantages of using the SAP CO-PA accelerator?
A. Transforms data during the load step
B. Eliminates the need for customization
C. Provides business configuration
D. Reduces reporting time
Answer: CD
SAP Support needs to access a customer’s SAP HANA studio remotely. Which entry must the client maintain in SAP Service Marketplace?
A. Preprocessor server
B. Statistics server
C. Name server
D. Master index server
Answer: D
Which of the following sequences of steps is used to implement SAP HANA with SAP ERP?
A. SAP HANA system setup
Data Provisioning
B. SAP HANA system setup
Data Provisioning
C. Data Provisioning
SAP HANA system setup
D. SAP HANA system setup
Data Provisioning
Answer: D
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2016 SAP C_HANATEC151 exam dumps (All 197 Q&As) from GreatExam:
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